
Baslogh traditional sweet with grape syrup

Baslogh is an Iranian traditional sweet, there are different recipes for preparing this sweet but the oldest one is made with grape syrup. One of the most important ingredients in this sweet is walnuts which is the best combination for grape syrup.

You can find this delicious sweet in many countries and cultures that are known by different names and combinations in different regions of the world. Baslogh is so yummy and you can eat this sweet as a great source of energy. Baslogh is a traditional Iranian sweet that is typically served at celebrations and parties. For example, it is a popular choice at the Chaharshanbe Suri festival.


. Half a glass of starch

. 1 glass of water

. 2 glass grape syrup

. A quarter a glass of Golab

. Half of a glass sugar – optional

. Half a glass walnuts

. 1 teaspoon vanilla

. 1 teaspoon cardamom powder

. 1 tablespoon saffron

To prepare traditional tasty Baslogh first, add starch and water in a suitable dish, then mix until the starch dissolves in the water(the important point is you have to use cold water for dissolving starch), in following add grape syrup to the starch, and also if you want you can add sugar for a sweeter taste. Now, put the mixture of starch and grape syrup on the medium flame and stir that frequently.

When the mixture of Baslogh liquid becomes a little concentrated, add the Golab (rose water) along with vanilla and cardamom powder. After that, stir your ingredients once again to ensure they are mixed well, at this stage add brewed saffron to the Baslogh. Once your mixture thickens, remove the Baslogh from the heat, you should have a thick liquid at this point.

Currently, there are two ways to cool the Baslogh liquid. The first way involves pouring the liquid into a dish, placing walnuts on the liquid, and then pouring some more liquid over the walnuts. In another method, you can cover your work surface with a freezer bag and add a little oil to it. Next, pour Baslogh liquid over the freezer bag and place the walnuts on top of the liquid.

In the last step, after the Baslogh is ready put that in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 hours then take them out of the refrigerator and cut them to the desired size. Baslogh is a delicious dessert with a sweet taste that can be served at gatherings or enjoyed with tea or coffee.

Bon Appetite!

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