Side dishes

Shirazi Salad

Shirazi salad is an Iranian traditional salad that is very famous in the world. It is interesting that is so compatible side dish and you can serve this salad with several dishes. Shiraz is an Iranian city that place has a unique variety of food and ingredients.

One special item in Shirazi salad is Ab-ghooreh (verjuice), which is a Shirazi material. Some people make this salad with lemon juice instead of Ab-ghooreh because they don’t like verjuice or don’t have that available. But, in my opinion, verjuice with a sour taste and fruit aroma is the best choice for making this salad.


. 1 cucumber

. 1 tomato

. 1 onion

. Ab-ghooreh(verjuice)

. Salt

. Mint powder

The amount of ingredients in your salad depends on you and your taste, you can add more or less one of the ingredients according to your taste, for example, if you like cucumber, you can add more cucumber to your salad. Once you make this salad, you will know your taste.

Making Shirazi salad is too easy and Iranians make this salad quickly for their meal. For making Shirazi salad chop finely cucumber, tomato, and onion. The smaller you chop, the better the salad will be. Mix all of them in a bowl and when you want to serve that add Ab-ghooreh (verjuice), salt, and mint powder. If you add Ab-ghooreh too soon, it will spoil the freshness of the vegetables and the salad will not taste good.

Whenever want to serve that pour salt and mint with Ab-ghooreh (verjuice) and mix the salad well. Serve Shirazi salad with different food.

Bon Appetite!

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