Main Dishes

A beef tripe recipe with barley

Ash‘s are a group of Iranian dishes that have different types. Ash is a healthy, delicious, and warm food that is enjoyable to eat especially in the winter season. Ash Jo (barley soup) is a traditional type of Ash which cooked with barley and wheat.

Now, I want to write a traditional recipe for this special broth with beef tripe. This recipe is highly nutritious due to the presence of grains. If you don’t like beef tripe you can just cook Ash Jo (barley soup) and don’t use beef tripe in this recipe.


. 2 cup barley

. 2 cup wheat

. 1 cup white Pease

. 1 cup Pinto beans

. 1/2 cup green lentils

. 200 to 400 grams of beef tripe

. 5 large onions, chopped

. 1 tablespoon grated garlic

. Onions for frying, sliced

. 5 tablespoons dried mint

. 500g Kashk

. Salt and pepper to taste

. 1 teaspoon turmeric

. 1 teaspoon seven-color spices or curry powder

. Oil

Pick up a big and suitable pot, chop the onions, and add them into the pot after that wash the barley and wheat and pour them into the pot. Then add white Pease, Pinto beans, and lentils into the pot. Now it’s time to add salt and water, fill the pot with water, and put that on the flame.

In another pot, pour beef tripe and fill the pot with water. You have to cut beef tripe with scissors to eat beef tripe easily. It depends on you, you can cut it to your desired size with scissors before or after cooking.

When the barley is fully cooked and the grains are completely open. At this time, add fully cooked grains to the cooked beef tripe. Let them cook with a medium flame. Now, it’s time to add spices. taste the salt (Kashk is salty, therefore, it is important to be cautious while adding additional salt to your food)

In a pan, pour some oil with sliced onions and fry them until the onions turn golden. You can either add dried mint to the onion pan and fry them together or fry the dried mint with oil in a separate pan. Fried onions and mint make this dish tastier, so that, the amount of fried onions and mint depends on your taste.

When your Ash is completely cooked add fried onions and mint as much as you like. After that, In a pot, pour the Kashk and a little water, put the pot on the flame, and let the Kashk boil. This makes the Kashk warm and ready to be added to the food. Of course, you can add Kashk directly to the soup pot! Your meal is now ready and you can serve this warm and delicious dish.

Side Dishes:


Bread is the best side dish for Ash

Fried onion and fried mint

You can serve fried onions and mint as a side dish for those who would like to add more. Additionally, they can be used as a garnish


As a side dish, Kashk can be served to anyone who wants to add more Kashk to their food

Bon Appetite!

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