Main Dishes

Jaghoor Baghoor

Jaghoor Baghoor is an Iranian traditional cuisine from Zanjan ( an Iranian city ). This food is made with an interesting combination of liver meat and Ghooreh ( fresh sour grape ) and different spices. A delicious, healthy, and nutritious street sandwich. Jaghoor Paghoor can be served as a light dinner without bread or as a sandwich for picnics.

You can cook this dish with liver meat or lung meat and some people mix liver and lung meat to cook that. If you don’t like these types of meats you can use beef heart or beef kidney for cooking Jaghoor Baghoor.


. 1 liver meat – chopped

. 2 onions – sliced

. 2 tomatoes – chopped

. Ghooreh or Ghooreh powder

. Tomato paste

. Salt and pepper to taste

. Olive oil

. Bell pepper – chopped – optional

. Potato – chopped – optional

In a pan, slice onions and add oil fried the onions until turn light. Bell pepper is optional if you want to add this item to the dish now it’s time to add chopped bell pepper. Fry bell pepper with onion. Wash and clean liver or beef heart and chop into medium pieces. If you want to use lung meat, wash the meat and cook that then chopped into medium pieces.

When the onions are cooked add chopped liver to the pan. It’s time to add spices, salt, pepper and turmeric. Chopped tomatoes and pour into the pan. At this step, reduce the flame and cover the pan until the meat is cooked with onions. When the liver is cooked add tomato paste and fry that until it changes color. Now you can add sour grapes, or you can use Ghooreh powder if you prefer. Again cover the pan until the ingredients taste together.

In another pan, chop potatoes, pour oil into the pan, and fry the potatoes. Add fried potatoes to the meat and onion. Your Jaghoor Baghoor is now ready to be served.

Side Dish:


This food is served with bread. You can use different types of bread, in Iran people serve that with Lavash bread.

Onion with Parsley

Sliced onions and chopped parsley are the best side dish for serving with meat dishes, as well as, Jaghoor Baghoor. This food is served with onion and parsley in originally.

Fresh Lemon

Fresh garlic

Bon Appetite!

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